La Petite Camargue
To the south, wetlands, the Petite Camargue...
The southern part of the Pays de Lunel is made up of a vast wetland area of almost 2,000 ha and the Etang de l'Or.
Centuries ago, the ponds were linked to form a vast inland sea.
Separated from the Mediterranean by a thin dune belt, this area is characterized by a mixture of saltwater and freshwater.
These wetlands are home to a specific flora and fauna.
Situated on a major migratory route between northern Europe and Africa, this wetland is regularly home to over 10,000 wintering or passing waterfowl.
The fauna
The diversity of the surrounding environments and the exceptional richness of the food supply are conducive to a remarkable fauna: teal, black-headed and laughing gulls, hansel terns, European cistude, eel, coot, white stilt...
Vegetation is dependent on the salinity of the environment.
It is therefore characterized by the presence of salicornia, rushes, tamarisks, common reeds, saladelles...