23 Jan
26 Jan

January 23 to 26, 2025

Friday, January 24, 2025

"Paroles de coeur, paroles de conteur" (Words from the heart, words of a storyteller)
6:30pm - Salle Pierre Perret in Saint-Sériès (library)
By Claude Delsol, magician-storyteller of words and objects: a tale of drawers in a small Corbières village!
All audiences, free admission

Shared buffet and reading workshop
from 8pm - Salle Pierre Perret in Saint-Sériès.
Read or listen to texts, songs or poems over a shared meal!
Open to all, free admission

Heritage in Saussines
7pm - Salle des associations, Saussines
With its 17th-century château and 11th-century church, the village boasts a significant listed heritage. A presentation of this heritage, based on personal documents and the town's archives, will be given on the occasion of the Nuits de la lecture.
Open to all

Exhibition: A la rencontre de Louis Médard
January 23 to February 6, 2025 at the Lunel Agglo media library
Discover the collection of the Lunel bibliophile through key works from his library, discover the town's museum in digital form (hologram, digitized books, 360° museum) and discover archives on the history of Lunel through written testimonials.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Who is it?
All day, non-stop, from 10am to 9:30pm - Ground-floor hall of the Lunel Agglo media library
116 names of comic book and novel heroes to recognize from their illustrations!
Family audience

The storytelling caravan
8 sessions from 10am to 12pm (every 15 minutes or so) - In front of the Lunel Agglo multimedia library
The door of the caravan opens and welcomes you for a moment of sharing: readings, tales, stories, puppets...
From 9 months. Subject to availability

Photo challenge: it's up to you!
10 a.m. to 4 p.m. - Lunel Agglo media library, Pôle adultes reception area
Based on a set theme, we invite you to discover the city's treasures and immortalize them with your smartphone. The photos will then be printed and displayed in the media library.
A great opportunity to showcase Lunel's heritage.
Family public; registration on site

Prize-giving ceremony for the short story writing competition
11:30am to 12:30pm - Auditorium of the Lunel Agglo media library
Discover the 3 winning short stories from the competition launched in September 2024.
Reading of excerpts by members of the jury and prize-giving ceremony, followed by a friendly drink.
Adult public

Storytelling siesta
3:30 pm to 4:30 pm - Adult area of the Lunel Agglo media library
Relax on deckchairs while listening to tales read by librarians
Adults; subject to availability

Strolling with Mike Tiger
4:30 pm to 5:30 pm - Departure from the media library reception desk
Follow Mike Tiger on his zany stroll through the media library.
Family audience

Illuminated bookmark workshop by Musée Médard teams
5:00 pm to 6:30 pm - Espace Jeunesse de la médiathèque
Dive into the world of calligraphy and illumination and create your own bookmark, accompanied by Musée Médard staff.
Open to the public since December 2013, the Musée Médard in Lunel is a place dedicated to the history of its collections, to books, and to the arts and crafts associated with written heritage.
Family public; Continuous, no registration required, subject to availability.

Reading aloud from picturesque archives
5:30 pm to 6 pm - Espace Adultes de la médiathèque
Come and listen to our heritage, thanks to extracts from the town's archives.
Adults; subject to availability

Come and play the piano!
5.30 p.m. to 7 p.m. - Espace Musique - 2nd floor of the media library
Pianists of all ages and levels are invited to come and discover the new piano area of the mediatheque and play a piece of their choice.
Open to all

Signing session with Etienne Kern
6.30pm to 8pm - Espace Adultes de la médiathèque
In two novels, Etienne Kern rehabilitates and resurrects figures from the past, linking them to the intimate. Winner of the Prix Goncourt for first novel in 2022 for Les Envolés (Gallimard/Folio), his latest novel La vie meilleure portrays Emile Coué, father of the famous method whose fame was either recognized or mocked. In this luminous, intimate novel, he pays tribute to those who seek a place for joy, whatever the cost.
The meeting will be followed by a book signing.
Adults; free admission

L'atelier d'Okilélé show
8:30 pm to 9:30 pm - Auditorium of the Lunel Agglo media library
Based on Claude Ponti's album, Cie du Théâtre des Mots presents a show that's easy on the eyes and ears.
For families aged 6 and over. Registration required
